Decorating with flowers is the easiest and most impactful way to brighten a room.

I’m a little obsessed with flowers.  Every time I do a photo shoot of my house, the first thing I do is get flowers. Okay, I should say after I clean my house then I get flowers. So a clean house and flowers are really the two most important things for a beautiful room. Don’t you agree?

Take for instance, my dining room. Usually my dining table is just used to hold DIY projects (and occasionally for eating at) but I had to clean this room up first, then add the beautiful flowers displayed in a champagne bucket and the room was magically transformed.

Let me show you some easy and pretty ways to decorate with flowers.

I love a white kitchen but especially in photos in can read blah. All you need are flowers and the whole room comes alive.

I love using different vessels for displaying flowers like an antique champagne bucket.

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